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My Mission

When we heal and experience transformation, it is often outside of everyday space and time. I formed this healing circle as a sacred space, where those in need of healing can enter into, to learn and discover the wholeness inside of themselves, independent from the outside world.


I provide aid for those experiencing Soul loss. In Soul retrieval, we look to find ourselves in the midst of suffering through the most difficult and challenging moments of our life. This time is known as the dark night of the Soul.


In journeying, the goal is to see ourselves from a higher perspective, so that we may gain the insights necessary, to reclaim our power and gather our strength to live our lives in a more authentic way, that is true to our own vision.


Living from our authentic self is living from the Soul and integrating with our Spirit.  In this space, our true self meets with the part of us, that can see beyond the ego and fears of this life and its everyday trappings, into the core meaning behind our circumstances, so that we can rise above.


The world is very much in need of healing heart energy at this time.  My work is dedicated to this need at this time.  


I use a variety of tools to achieve these tasks, such as lessons in lifestyle, the physical body, emotional body and mental health to alleviate the suffering we feel during challenging circumstances of life.  I also use the aid of other tools, such as Medicine Songs, Spirit Animals, Spirit Guides and Medicine Animals. My hope is to educate about the Soul, the Spirit, the energy body, including the chakras and give insights into death, dying and transformation. Using these tools and more, it is my hope to help others achieve the goals they have set in order to access the healing energy inside of themselves, so that they are free to walk their sacred paths in life.


My life is my work. What drew me to my studies in healing was a mixture of self-healing and for the healing of those around me. In having compassion for the world, being able to feel and see the suffering of others, I learned how to do the same for myself. Being present with this suffering has taught me that this is something that we all share and that we are not alone. It is my hope to share with others, that we are not alone in our suffering and that through compassion and presence, we can begin to heal.

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